The NFL Killed My Holiday
By walzav31
Here’s an idea for Thanksgiving. On Thursday you prepare ONLY a turkey and then you sit down and watch one game, the Lions vs. the Packers. Friday comes and you get to enjoy some cold beverages and watch the Cowboys take on the Redskins. Then on Saturday you finally get the cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and the pumpkin pie to go along with the Eagles vs. the Texans. Wouldn’t this be great? You could make Thanksgiving a three day affair……..Of course not.
This is what happened to my beloved NFL draft. It used to be a day where you assembled all of your fellow football maniacs and watch three rounds for 8 hours on a Saturday. Magically whoever your team picks is not only the guy you wanted all along, but he is without a doubt the best player in the draft. What’s more fun than the alcohol fueled debate around 6:30 PM of who got the better player in the 3rd round, your Bengals Chris Henry or your Chief buddy’s selection of Dustin Colquitt? After 13 Bud Lites everyone is an expert. Then the next day you recover with peaceful sounds of rounds 4-7.
Now that the league has games on every Thursday they should consider moving the draft back to Saturdays and give us our draft holiday back. It’s in the league’s best interest.
There is another issue with the draft coverage that needs to be addressed. These NFL Insiders are so geeked to be the 1st to break a story, that they ruin the surprise. It’s like having an obnoxious older brother who knows what present you have wrapped under the tree and tells you before you get to open it. They have their shot to tell you who will be picked during their mock draft.
The NFL draft is still great, but they have to consider the risk of over exposure. Remember that show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? People loved it, but they moved to 5 nights a week and it died. Science has shown that if my Grandma can get sick of Regis Philbin, than people can get sick of anything.
In the big picture, the NFL draft is better off on Saturdays.
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