Pro Bowl Draft Results: Was Fantasy Football Style a Hit?

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Part two of the new Pro Bowl selections was last night, and it consisted skill positions. Here is a recap of it:

Deion and Jerry have very different personalities that mesh well in this setting. Jerry is the quiet one and somewhat strategic in his picks. While “PrimeTime” Deion Sanders was his flashy self in demeanor and his picks.

Taking two QB’s( Andrew Luck, Cam Newton ) with his first two picks, and Jerry went with his playing Captain’s ( Drew Brees ) favorite target Jimmy Graham and then Leshon McCoy. I won’t bore you with a complete list of the picks

Every player seemed to be having a really good time and claimed this may help with the product on the field Sunday. Everyone except Brandon Marshal who didn’t get picked until the 16th round and displayed his emotions in the confessional, jokingly of course. T

he selection show ended with a mandatory trade, which added a twist to the strategic abilities of both Captains and added suspense to the show!

If I were going to change anything about the new Pro Bowl format It would definitely be to change the length between picks on day two. Two mins is entirely to long and it made the whole show way to long.

There was a good response to the show on twitter but the biggest complaint was the length of the show. You could make it a two hour show if here was only one minute between picks.

Next would be the commentators Steve Mariucci and Marshal Faulk. Don’t get me wrong both know football well a little to well.

One of those two with a comedian or some other funny performer to bring a little life and humor to the show.

Lets face it everybody like to laugh, and laughing make you feel like its not boring even if it is. Steve and Marshall just didn’t gel enough for my liking. I could be in the minority on that.

Overall I do believe the new fantasy football feel of the Pro Bowl has been a success for the NFL.

I enjoyed the selection show immensely more than I expected, and from all the twitter traffic from people either loving or hating the new format at least folks were talking about the Pro Bowl.

The one thing that would really get the fans interest to an all time high for this meaningless game would be to have a contest to allow two fans to pick the teams.

The opportunity for an average Joe to actually put together a real NFL team would be like hitting the lottery for most avid NFL fans. Just something to think about NFL.